Monday, December 17, 2007

Good afternoon December

Wow. It has been a while since i've blogged.
I even forgot my password =="
It's december, and my last entry was April? I think. LOL
Holidays have began, graduation was over- SC results, im pretty pleased with my results.
Im happy and that's all that matters.
Year 11; new year, new subjects and a whole new entire world im going to enter (:
Should be great!

Daryl's 16th birthday- thursday (december 13)
Chris's 16th birthday- friday (december 14)
Brother's 11th birthday today, going thai restaurant tonight.

December, so many birthdays especially christmas is coming. Present for the family and important people im life.
This year went fast, YEAR 1O cant believe its over.
Great memories: formal, graduation, SC, end of junior years
However, year 10 was the best year for me. Going to miss a lot of people who will be leaving us.
I just wish them all the best in the future. Never forget your old friends when you make new ones.

I miss my jellyfish♥
It has been 4days and counting. =="
Well to kill time, FLYFF is my subject; I think im addicted to that game :P
Im addicted to a computer game =="
Oh well i wont be as addicted as MICHAEL in DOTA (:

Well i wont say anything anymore
I should come back and post more to overcome the old ones.

Until next time ♥

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